Cycle The Prouty
We are conquerors, survivors, and friends crossing the finish line for everyone who has been affected by cancer. Join us and be a Prouty Cyclist. No matter how far you wish to ride, there is a scenic and well supported Prouty route for you: 20, 50, 77, 100 or 200 miles (for 200 miles click on the Prouty Ultimate in ‘Ways to Prouty’).
The Prouty™ is always the second Saturday in July. It begins and ends at the Richmond Middle School (RMS), 63 Lyme Road in Hanover, NH. This year it is on July 9. The Prouty Ultimate starts the day before, July 8, beginning in Manchester, NH at the Saint Anselm College campus and ending at the Richmond Middle School in Hanover, NH. The Ultimate group joins The Prouty Century ride the next day. Row The Prouty is on July 9 and starts at the Dartmouth Rowing dock on the Connecticut River. Golf The Prouty is on July 9 and is at the Hanover Country Club.